Waterproofing & Leak Repairs

Waterproofing Singapore Services | Singapore Water Proofing Service | waterproofing service | pipe leak repair

Your Professional Waterproong Service Provider!

Waterproofing Singapore Services | Singapore Water Proofing Service | waterproofing service | pipe leak repair

CY Waterproong Service provides leak and seepage waterproofing repair services in Singapore for:

  • Inter floor leak.
  • Conceal pipe leak.
  • External/wall leak.
  • Window rain seepage.
  • Leak from unknown sources.
  • Leak dispute consultancy.

CY Waterproong Service Solution Information

We have developed our unique Waterproofing Service expertise and skills that no others has! We are the only company who Pin-Point & locate where leak water enters to form a “Pond” then travel via “Tunnels” to exit somewhere as leaking water.

We had successfully solved hundreds of leak permanently. This helps property owners or affected neighbors to minimize costly damages to their ceiling, cabinets, floor, electrical wiring/tripping, etc.

Our Warranty against repaired leak put our customer mind at ease.

Why Are We Different?

  • We invested in waterproofing R&D to develop our own propriety repair process.
  • We use up to six imported waterproofing materials tested to be most effective for our repairs.
  • We don’t use foreign workers for waterproofing repairs because our repair process & materials used are confidential.
  • We don’t simply block leak water from exiting or “blindly” apply surface type waterproofing material.

CY Waterproong Service Process

Our fundamental approach; No water enters--no water exit--no leak!!.

  • Inject Waterproong Service dye to pin-point water entry.
  • Identify water “tunnels” where leak water flows.
  • Inject waterproofing service resin to seal any hairline cracks/tunnels.
  • Inject waterproofing ETV to form new membrane & seal gaps/tunnels.
  • Seal water entry areas with marine epoxy/waterproof cement.
  • Prime porous cement surfaces with transparent waterproof primer.
  • Activate warranty for the repaired leak & put customer mind at ease.


Get In Touch • We are family driven • We care

One Stop Property Repairs
8182 2559 (Ronnie Yong)
9653 2876 (Gerald Yong)
One Stop Insurance & Wealth Management
9755 8963 (Celia Yong)